Friday, December 9, 2011
"Semester Reflection"
During this semester I learned much much more than I ever thought I would about graphic design. I learned how to use tools in Illustrator and Photoshop to create art. In Illustrator I was taught how to utilize tools to create pictures and shapes, I learned how to use work with the line element and the element of shape. When working on assignment one I used the two elements to create pictures that make people think of a certain object. In assignment two we started to work with the pen tool, which took me awhile:P but after a bit I got the hang of it. In this assignment we used texture and space and learned the difference between positive and negative space. In assignment three we also used Illustrator and worked with lines, shapes, and space but this time we learned about the color wheel and how designing things with specific colors will do different things. Assignment four was one of my favorites! I'm pretty sure it was also the first time we worked in Photoshop, we learned about the different types of color schemes and how you can use them in your art. Assignment five was also pretty interesting because we were given a lot of freedom to choose which pictures we wanted, I liked this assignment a lot as well. Assignment 6 was defiantly my favorite, we learned who to use layers and masks again and how to put pictures from the Internet into your own artwork. Assignment 7 we learned how to blend and work with edges more, and in assignment 8 we learned how to wrap text around lines and basically just how to implement text into your work. I liked this semester a lot, this is honestly one of my favorite classes! I have no suggestions for next semester because I enjoyed almost everything we did this semester!((:
"Review Week 17"
"Who Shot the Serif" Article
1.) Have you learned something?
Yes, I was able to get a review of what a serif is, the different termonologies associated with it. I learned about the different types of serifs and how they can be used.
Friday, December 2, 2011
"Review Week 16"
1.) How many points are in an inch? How many points are in a pica?
72 in an inch and 12 in a pica
2.) Of the seven classifications, which classification(s) would work best as a body type? Why?
Sans serif
3.) Identify the lowercase characters that have ascenders.
H, I and G
4.) Identify the uppercase characters that have descenders.
P and R
1.) Script: this is a script typeface because it looks like it was hand-written.

2.) Modern: this is a modern typeface because there is no variation between thin and thick lines
3.) Modern: this is a modern typeface because there is a huge contrast between the thin and the thick lines of the letters.
4.) San Serif: this is a san serif typeface because it is simple, monotone and no variations of thick or thinness.

5.) Blackletter: this is a blackletter typeface because it looks like it was made in the 1400's and it looks as though an old printing press made it.
72 in an inch and 12 in a pica
2.) Of the seven classifications, which classification(s) would work best as a body type? Why?
Sans serif
3.) Identify the lowercase characters that have ascenders.
H, I and G
4.) Identify the uppercase characters that have descenders.
P and R
1.) Script: this is a script typeface because it looks like it was hand-written.

2.) Modern: this is a modern typeface because there is no variation between thin and thick lines
3.) Modern: this is a modern typeface because there is a huge contrast between the thin and the thick lines of the letters.
4.) San Serif: this is a san serif typeface because it is simple, monotone and no variations of thick or thinness.

5.) Blackletter: this is a blackletter typeface because it looks like it was made in the 1400's and it looks as though an old printing press made it.
6.) Decoratice: this is defiantly a decorative typeface because it clearly demonstrates a particular theme throughout the text.
7.) Old Style: this is an oldstyle typeface because it has a 1600's feel to it. Its serifs are angled.
Friday, November 18, 2011
"Review Week 14"
1.) Art Institue of Atlanta:
a. Atlanta, Georgia
b. Advertising, visual communications, illustration, and animation
c. Minimum of 21 on ACT, and 500 on SAT(reading and math), and a minimum 2.0 GPA
2.) Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
a. New York, New York
b. Graphic design
c. ACT and SAT scores, minimum 3.0 GPA, and 16 high school credits
3.) Academy of Art Institute
a. San Francisco, California
b. Graphic design, illustration, visual communications, advertising, and web design
c. High school transcript, minimum 2.0 GPA, and personal portfolio
4.) Washington University
a. St. Louis, Missouri
b. Visual communications, graphic design, illustration, and advertising
c. 20 high school credits, minimum 2.0 GPA, SAT and ACT scores
5.) New England Institute of Art
a. Brookline, Massachusetts
b. Graphic design, illustration, and advertising
c. Minimum 1.5 GPA, SAT and ACT scores are looked at but not important. (essay and interview are very important)
1.) What is a portfolio?
A collection of the images, work, visuals, ect that you have created over you career.
2.) What is the importance of a portfolio?
It gives the person looking at your portfolio an idea of what you are capable of, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you work and accomplish things.
a. Atlanta, Georgia
b. Advertising, visual communications, illustration, and animation
c. Minimum of 21 on ACT, and 500 on SAT(reading and math), and a minimum 2.0 GPA
2.) Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
a. New York, New York
b. Graphic design
c. ACT and SAT scores, minimum 3.0 GPA, and 16 high school credits
3.) Academy of Art Institute
a. San Francisco, California
b. Graphic design, illustration, visual communications, advertising, and web design
c. High school transcript, minimum 2.0 GPA, and personal portfolio
4.) Washington University
a. St. Louis, Missouri
b. Visual communications, graphic design, illustration, and advertising
c. 20 high school credits, minimum 2.0 GPA, SAT and ACT scores
5.) New England Institute of Art
a. Brookline, Massachusetts
b. Graphic design, illustration, and advertising
c. Minimum 1.5 GPA, SAT and ACT scores are looked at but not important. (essay and interview are very important)
1.) What is a portfolio?
A collection of the images, work, visuals, ect that you have created over you career.
2.) What is the importance of a portfolio?
It gives the person looking at your portfolio an idea of what you are capable of, what your strengths and weaknesses are and how you work and accomplish things.
Friday, November 11, 2011
"Review Week 13"
1.) Repetition: this picture uses the principle of repetition because it repeats certain parts of the picture, such as the birds and the color of the sky.
2.) Portion/Scale: this picture utilizes the principle of portion/scale because the two sizes of the dogs are so different. It uses an unexpected scale.
3.) Balance: this picture shows the element of balance because it is made up of regular and irregular shapes.
4.) Emphasis: this images uses the principle of emphasis because it makes the views focus on the flower instead of focusing on the other details of the picture such as the hands holding the flower.
5.) Unity: this pop art picture utilizes the element of unity because the various images are closet together and are created using similar techniques.
6.) Rhythm: this image uses the principle of rhythm because it constantly repeats specific elements.
7.) Contrast: this picture uses the element of contrast by making the the space used and the hues different.
8.) Variety: this image uses the principle of variety because it clearly varies the shape and color of the objects within the picture.
A.) How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
You add a layer mask by opening the palette that shows you your layers then select the layer you want to add a mask too. Then on the bottom of your palette click on the button that has a gray box with a white circle in the center.
B.) What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and white
C.) Describe the process of using a layer mask.
If you choose to create a layer mask it will allow you to paint over and cover and images you put onto your photoshop document. Once you paint over the images you can move them around, copy them, or if you like you can re-paint over them to make the original image reappear.
***Working on putting all of my projects on the assignments page(my flashdrive is @ home) so I will get that done Monday:D** Thanks Mrs. Dayton!!!((:
Thursday, November 3, 2011
"Podcast #3 Principles of Design"
1. Define principles of design?
Concepts used to arrange the structural elements of a composition
2. What do the principles of design affect?
Expression content, or the message of the work
3. What is the principle of repetition?
Repeating some aspect or element of the design throughout the entire document
4. Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition/audience?
It acts as a visual key that ties your piece together & it controls the reader’s eye and helps them keep attention on that piece. It helps the viewer navigate through the piece and helps unify separate parts
5. What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?
Bold font, thick line, certain bullet, color, design element, format and spatial relationship (anything that the viewer will recognize)
6. What should you avoid when working with repetition?
Not to repeat too much because it becomes overwhelming
7. What is the principle of proportion/scale?
Refer to the relative size and scale of the various elements in an object
8. What is the most universal standard of measure when judging size?
The human body
9. How can the principle of proportion/scale be used as an attention getter?
Unusual or unexpected scale
10. What is the principle of balance?
Distribution of heavy and light elements the page
11. Which kinds of elements/shapes visually weigh heavier/greater?
Irregular shapes are greater than regular shapes
12. What is another name for symmetrical balance?
Formal balance
13. Define symmetrical balance?
Occurs when the weight of a composition is evenly distributed around a central, vertical, or horizontal axis
14. What is another name for asymmetrical balance?
Informal balance
15. Define asymmetrical balance?
Occurs when the weight of a composition isn’t not evenly distributed around the axis
16. What is the principle of emphasis?
Stressing of a particular area of focus rather than the details
17. What happens to a design that has no focus?
Nothing stands out
18. What is a focal point and how is it created?
An area of interest, it is created by making one element dominant
19. How many components of a composition can be a focal point?
No more than one
20. What ways can emphasis be created in a design?
By contrasting the primary element with a subordinate or sudden change in direction, size, shape, texture, color, tone or line
21. What is the principle of unity?
The wholeness of a composition
22. What three ways can unity be obtained?
1. Put objects close to each other
2. Make things similar
3. Direct visuals by a line that travels around the composition
23. What is the principle of variety?
Pertains to differences and diversity, its what makes the work interesting
24. What ways can a designer add variety to a design?
By varying the colors, shapes, and by altering their contrast, tone and intensity
25. Why is it important to find the right balance between unity and variety?
Too much unity can be boring and to much variety can be chaotic
26. What is figure?
A form, silhouette or shape
27. What is another name for figure?
Positive space
28. What is ground?
Area surrounding the figure
29. What is another name for ground?
Negative space
30. When a composition is abstract (has no recognizable subject) what will the figure depend on? What does that mean?
It will depend on abstract relationships between elements
31. Why must a designer consider the composition as a whole?
Because the figure and ground space depend on each other
32. What is the principle of rhythm?
The organized movement in space and time
33. How is rhythm achieved?
Through orderly repetition of any element
34. What three ways can rhythm occur in a design?
1. When intervals between elements are similar in size and shape
2. With more organic sense of movement
3. A sequence of shapes throughout steps
35. How does rhythm help a composition/design?
It can help deliver the message by controlling the viewers eye movements
36. What is the principle of contrast?
Occurs when two related elements are different
37. How can contrast help a design?
It can draw the viewer’s eye to the piece and help guide the viewer through it
38. What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?
Too much similarity can be boring and too much contrast can be confusing
39. What is the key to working with contrast?
To make sure the differences are obvious
40. What are some common ways of creating contrast?
Creating differences in size, color, value, type, shape, alignment, direction and or movement
Friday, October 21, 2011
"Color Schemes"
1.) This picture uses the triadic color scheme.
2.) This picture uses the analogous color scheme.
3.) This picture uses the monochromatic color scheme.
4.) This picture uses the complimentary color scheme.
5.) This picture uses the split complimentary color scheme.
2.) This picture uses the analogous color scheme.
3.) This picture uses the monochromatic color scheme.
4.) This picture uses the complimentary color scheme.
5.) This picture uses the split complimentary color scheme.
"Andy Warhol"
1.) Within what genre did Warhol work?
Pop art
2.) Define the genre?
The genre uses components from the current "popular culture" and incorporates them into fine art. It usually focuses on one particular image in each piece of artwork.
3.) During what years was he alive?
He was born in 1928 and died in 1987. His artwork was most popular during the 1950's
4.) Two samples of his art~

Pop art
2.) Define the genre?
The genre uses components from the current "popular culture" and incorporates them into fine art. It usually focuses on one particular image in each piece of artwork.
3.) During what years was he alive?
He was born in 1928 and died in 1987. His artwork was most popular during the 1950's
4.) Two samples of his art~

a. Gold Marilyn Monroe
Warhol uses violets, blues, purples and oranges in this painting, he is using a complimentary color scheme. The artwork itself has fine details in some places while in other places there is nothing but blank color.
b. Oil Painted Zebra
Warhol incorporates blue, yellows, oranges and reds in this painting, he is using a triadic color scheme. The painting still gives off the idea of the original animal while adding colors to it.
Friday, October 14, 2011
"Review Week 9"
1.) Compare and contrast vector graphics and pixel images.
Vector images are constructed from lines, shapes and curves while pixel images are created from pixels.
2.) What resolution is necessary to print raster images.
3.) What resolution is necessary to print raster images
Vector images are constructed from lines, shapes and curves while pixel images are created from pixels.
2.) What resolution is necessary to print raster images.
3.) What resolution is necessary to print raster images
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
"Podcast #2 Color Theory"
1.) The right use of color can do what?
2.) Within the electromagnetic spectrum, which waves allow us to see color?
3.) Describe white light?
4.) How do we see color if objects "have no color of their own"?
5.) What is a glass prism?
6.) What seven colors result when white light is refracted through a prism?
7.) Describe hue?
8.) When does white light occur?
9.) When does black light occur?
10.) How color is perceived depends on what?
11.) What is a color wheel?
12.) What are primary colors? Name them?
Three main colors. Red, yellow and blue. All other colors can be created from them.
13.) What are secondary colors? Name them?
Orange, green and violet. Made by combining primary colors.
14.) What are tertiary colors? Name them?
Add a primary and a secondary color. Name:primary color first then secondary color.
Add a primary and a secondary color. Name:primary color first then secondary color.
15.) What are neutral colors? How can they be created?
Colors that are low saturation. Browns, blacks, and greys.
16.) How can a neutral color help a design?
They can help you focus on other colors. Bring intensity of other colors down.
17.) What are complementary colors? Name them?
18.) What is color value?
19.) What is a shade?
20.) What is a tint?
21.) What is saturation/intensity?
22.)What happens when you mix complementary colors together?
23.) Describe color harmony?
24.) What is a color scheme?
25.) Describe a monochromatic color scheme?
26.)Describe an analogous color scheme?
27.)Describe a complementary color scheme?
28.)Describe a split-complementary color scheme?
29.)Describe a triadic color scheme?
30.)What colors are considered to be warm colors?
31.)Describe a warm color scheme?
32.)What colors are considered to be cool colors?
33.)Describe a cool color scheme?
34.)Why is important to consider which colors are being used within a design?
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