I liked this piece because it combined something you would see hundreds of years ago, the head and the attire along with it, and the torso, a robot something you would expect to see hundreds of years in the future. And the bottom, which I assume are duck feet just go along with the theme of animals; the tiger head. I also liked how almost all of the picture was black and white but it was then contrasted by some color at the bottom.
-A method in which letters or images are collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to the composition in sequence or by following a particular rule
-Invented by surrealists in the early 1900's
-Surrealism: began in the 1920's, features elements of suprise. A movement away from reality and focused on dreams, accidents, and surprise
Adjectives: out-of-world, uncanny, whimsical, unbalanced, whacky, erratic
Audience: me

This piece I found interesting because of the contrast between human and animal body parts, as well as the contrast between genders.
This one was actually my favorite. I liked it because there was so much going on and nothing correlated with each other