
Graphic Design Vocabulary

1.) Target Audience: the specific audience that is meant to view the information that you create.

2.) Message: the theme or idea that you want your audience to grasp.

3.) Work Ethnic: how much time and effort you put into making your work the best it can be.

4.) Employ-ability Skills: the skills you have acquired over time that give you the ability to get along with people, manage your time well, and do good work.

5.) 20/20 Rule: looking up from the computer screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

6.) Right-To-Know Laws: an employees right to know what is considered hazardous in their workplace.

7.) Icon: an image the is used to convey certain feelings or thoughts about something specific.

8.) Vector-Based Graphics: using lines, shapes, curves an points to create images on the computer.

9.) Specs of a project: what is specifically required of a project(important points to hit).

10.) Dialog box: the tool used to adjust colors.

11.) Palette: the box that holds the tools we can use to edit in illustrator.

12.) Guidelines: lines created so that you can precisely place images that you create.

13.) Extensions: Programs that are added onto base programs in order to complete other tasks.

14.) Contextual Menu: A shortcut that allows gives you choices to manipulate your image.

15.) Clipping Mask: making one large picture fit into a smaller space by clipping the unneeded edges.

16.) Continuous tone image: all variations of color can be created by using pixels.

17.) Resolution: a pixel count for a raster image.

18.) File size: how small or large a certain file is, depends on the amount of pixels.

19.) Typography: expressing ideas through a certain typeface.

20.) Typeface: specific designs of visual symbols.

21.) Serif: line used to end the stroke of a letter.

22.) Body type: type sizes that range from 4-12 points.

23.) Display type: sizes above 12 points.

24.) Reverse type: white type on a black background.

25.) Point size: measurement used to find the size of a typeface.

26.) Ligatures: two or more characters that have been combined into one set.

27.) Ampersand: the sign that means.

28.) Small caps: uppercase glyphs at a lowercase scale.

29.) Lowercase: letters written in a smaller form.

30.) Uppercase: letters written in a larger form.

31.) Flush left: all text is aligned to the left.

32.) Flush right: all text is aligned to the right.

33.) Center: all text is aligned in the middle of the page.

34.) Justified: align on left and right

35.) Lining: text that is all the same height. 

36.) Leading: the space in between lines of type.

37.) Margin: the white space around the edges of your document, margins in InDesign tell you where to place important things.

38.) Kerning: adjusting the space in-between individual characters. 

39.) Concept: an idea; something formed in one's mind.

40.) Final Product: the end result; how we ultimately communicate to our audience. 

41.) Thumbnail: a quick sketch to get thoughts out of your mind and onto paper. 

42.) Initial Cap: larger decorative capital letters at the beginning of text or paragraph.