Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Assignment #18 Research and Inspiration"


What is a wordmark?
Incorporates your company or organization name with stylized. Thick fonts=strength, slanted fonts=movement. Need to be easily recognizable even when printed in a small size.  ONLY UTILIZES TEXT, NO PICTURES!

Where are they used?
Everywhere. They are used to represent a company, brand or organization. 

How are they used?
They are used to get people to associate a certain picture or font with a particular brand, company or organization. 


This is Dell's workmark. Very bold and plain but it represents strength and simplicity. It would be almost to boring without the positioning of the E though, it brings the wordmark together. Makes it flow.

This is ebay's wordmark. I like this one because there is so much going on. The colors, the placement of each individual letter, the size and how they overlap one another make it visually pleasing. I want my wordmark to coney the same kind of excitment. Bold colors and letters. 

I have no idea if "Mubeca" is even a company but regardless I chose to use this as an example solely because of the letter b. I'm planning on doing a wordmark for "Mimi's Flower Shoppe" and I really liked how the B was made, it just says flowers and girly stuff. 

I liked the use of the O in the word. I might do the same? I liked to font of these even though its  not the greatest picture. The first word is "cursivee" and the rest of the words are somewhat cursive as well just more bold and more well defined. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Assignent #17 Research and Inspiration"

Combination Mark: Logo design for "Three Tree Landscape"

What is a combination mark?
Combination marks are graphics with symbols and words that are used to represent a company or brand. It helps portray the brand image you want. A combination mark is one of three types of logos that are used in the industry. One is iconic or symbolic, second is the logotype or wordmark and third is the combination mark. 

Where and how are they used?
Combination marks are used to represent the idea or brand image of a company. It represents what the company stands for in just a picture along with a few words. 

Current Industry Trends, Competition, ect.
Integrated and stand alone combination marks. Integrated combination marks use both the symbol and text for the company where as stand alone combination marks are made with the text and symbol being separate. 

Examples and Inspiration. 

For both of these I liked the idea of keeping the main artwork contained inside a shape, or in this case a circle. It makes the logo stand out and look sharp. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Logotypes Prezi"


What is a logotype?
A logotype is a graphic emblem that is commonly used by companies to promote public recognition. More commonly known was a logo. 

Where did the logotype come from?
The logotype is a product of many inventions and techniques. Things like the Egyptians and hieroglyphics made a large impact as well as inventions likes coats of arms and watermarks. 

How did it evolve?
Printing and books became more common, things such as children books and increased literacy rates contribute to the success of books and visual arts. 

**Logo making is an type of graphic design and it is a difficult one to master**

Modernists inspired a generation of mass visual communication which brought on improvements in television and printing technology. 

Why are they important?
People will only glance logos, which represent an entire company and idea so it is important that it is simple but has the ability to stand out at the same time. 


Icons and symbols are compelling yet uncomplicated images that are emblematic of a particular company or product. They use imagery to represent your organization. Symbols are less direct than actual text.

What is a word mark/Letter mark?

A logotype, commonly known as a word mark. A word mark is just a text. Stylized company name. Word mark only utilizes text.